21 Ways to Improve Your Self-Esteem

Nancy Bergeron, R.Psych.

A while back, I spoke about anxious attachment, and how building your self-esteem was a way to shift towards a more secure attachment type. Remember that improving your self-esteem is an ongoing process. That said, here are 21 strategies to help build yourself up:

 1.     Practice self-compassion. Be gentle with yourself as you work on change.

 2.     Set realistic goals and celebrate achievements.

 3.     Surround yourself with supportive people.

 4.     Challenge negative self-talk. Examine your negative statements with actual facts. Ask yourself if you would speak to a friend the way to speak to yourself.

 5.     Focus on your strengths and talents. We all have our own unique gifts.

 6.     Take care of your physical health through exercise and good nutrition.

 7.     Practice mindfulness and meditation to stay present.

 8.     Engage in activities you enjoy and make you feel good about yourself.

 9.     Learn to assert yourself and set boundaries.

 10.  Avoid comparing yourself to others.

 11.  Volunteer or help others in need.

 12.  Keep a gratitude journal.

 13.  Accept compliments gracefully. Simply say thank you, and don’t try to down-play the compliment.

 14.  Learn from your mistakes instead of dwelling on them. Think of yourself as failing forward.

 15.  Develop a growth mindset and embrace challenges.

 16.  Set aside time for relaxation and self-care practices.

 17.  Take pride in your accomplishments no matter how small.

 18.  Seek professional help if needed, such as therapy or counselling.

 19.  Practice positive affirmations.

 20.  Focus on what you can control and let go of what you can’t.

 21.  Reflect on past successes and strengths during challenging times.

 Building healthy self-esteem is a journey. Making true change and growth takes time and consistent effort.



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